2013年12月13日 星期五


洪妙如 蔡宜真 何東錡 顏駿帆 簡妙真
1= seed  2 = girl   3 = Angel  4 = Echo

1: Hello, I’m a little seed.
2: Hello, I’m a little girl.
3: Hello, I’m a little angel.
4: Echo: And we are the “Echoes”!

1: oh! I want to be a little flower!
All: A little flower!
2: But how?
3: You’ll need a little earth.
Echo: A little earth to make you grow.
3: You’ll need a little hole.
2: a little hole to make you grow.
2: And a little wish! (覺醒)
4: And a little sun.
5: And a little shower.
1: And a little while.

All: Wow, a pretty, big flower~

